Cream, Butter Bells and Soda Streams these are just a few of my Favourite things!

At the moment I am as busy as ever but I am also heading into my third trimester of pregnancy and I am really feeling my body start to slow down!  In my first pregnancy I never really had any particular food cravings but I did really enjoy drinking milk which I don’t normally.  This time round I still don’t have any “real” cravings but I can’t get enough full fat cream!  I never over eat it as it makes me feel full but it feels like I am having an incredibly naughty treat.  I can whip it in the Thermomix in a few seconds!

Speaking of Thermomix and cream I have been making my own butter.  Homemade butter is like no other – it’s really like solid cream!  But the thing with real butter is it’s hard straight out of the fridge and who has time for it to soften?  And in our Queensland weather there is no leaving butter on the counter. Hello ants and fruit flies!

My friend Julie ordered me this amazing thing  – a Butter Bell.  I am sure they have been around for years but we never ate real butter growing up so I had never heard of a Butter Bell.  Its basically a vessel to keep your butter soft and from going rancid without using the fridge.  You just fill it with a little cold water every three days and the butter stays fresh and soft.

A definite favourite thing!


My other favourite thing at the moment is fizzy water!  I was sick of carrying bottles of mineral water back and forth from the shops – let alone the amount of plastic we were consuming in the house so I brought my hubby a Soda Stream for Christmas.  Thinking he would think it a gimmick and never use it, I braced myself for the “oh that’s a nice present” but instead of putting it aside he actually uses it regularly and it is a definite favourite thing in our house!

After completing the Whole 9 Seminar a few weeks back a few of you may have seen my Facebook posts on practicing good meal time habits.  We have cleared the table of electronic devices, turned the TV off, set the table and we pour ourselves a wine glass of “fizzy water” with a slice of lemon or lime.  It is amazing how good fizzy water tastes out of a wine glass.  I am not kidding give it a try!


Our dining table complete with flowers from the garden and home made decorations by the 2 year old.

My last favourite thing for today is Lamb – grass fed lamb that tastes like Lamb your grandmother used to cook!  I placed an order with Mitchell Grass Meats last month and ordered a 10kg lamb pack.  It was great value for money with 2 amazing lamb roasts, lamb chops, shanks, necks and other cuts of lamb.  We have enjoyed the beautiful fresh taste of the lamb and we will be ordering again.

Here is a tip I learnt from my friend – make sure you clear your freezer out before you receive your order 🙂

2 responses

    • We got ours from Target but I have seen them a little cheaper at Good Guys. Kmart and Big W sell them. We paid around $60 with spare bottles. My hubby likes to make it real fizzy so I have not known it to go flat. The refills cost about $20 but we have used ours regularly (about 1 litre a day) since Christmas and only just run out last week.

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